As the Russell Group`s new Informed Choices guide suggests, it`s common to demand good grades without specifying subjects. The guide points out that you should take at least two “facilitation topics” to keep your options open. This means opting for traditional academic subjects rather than newer alternatives. Are you planning to study law at university? Do you want to choose the right A-levels to get a place? The good news is that almost any subject combination is acceptable for admissions tutors, as long as your grades are high. We can conclude that candidates choose these subjects because they keep study options open rather than restrict them. You can browse law courses here on The Uni Guide to learn more, including the full admission requirements and common A-level subjects current students apply with – compare them to get an idea of how flexible a university is in the subjects they actually accept versus what they need in advance. If you`re interested in studying law at university, you`ll already be considering the best combination of subjects for an A-level degree program. As students know, there is a wide range of topics available for you to choose from. But what are the best A-levels for law? In summary, Wallace points to the wide range of legal careers: “There are lawyers, lawyers, patent attorneys – that`s the breadth that people are looking for.
Choose a wide range of subjects in which you will succeed: this is probably more important than any individual subject. “Many students start with 4 AS levels before dropping out of one when they move to A2 level. For example, a student may take English literature, history, psychology, and physics, and then abandon physics. “A student studied chemistry and is now a successful patent attorney who works with chemical companies because she understands what they are talking about. It`s about showing yourself as an exceptionally talented student and choosing the subjects that demonstrate that and get you the best grades. A bachelor`s degree is a minimum requirement for admission to law school. Although most lawyers have degrees in subjects such as English, economics, political science, philosophy, journalism, mathematics, and economics, there is no official recommendation for a preferred major for law students. To help you better understand your decisions, we will review the A-levels that the best universities want. There are very few prerequisites for studying law at university.
There are no specific topics to take, but it is important that you meet your company`s A-level grading requirements for UCAS. However, there are some A-level topics that will help you in your application for law courses such as the Bachelor of Laws. “Everything is allowed: we do not specify the subjects that students must have taken, and there is nothing specific that we say that students cannot have taken. The starting point is the students` choice,” says Professor Susan Millns, Head of Law at the University of Sussex. Law revolves strongly around ethics and human nature, two key topics in the philosophy curriculum. This is a difficult major because students have to think analytically and form logical arguments. Philosophy also involves mental mind-expanding exercises such as examining matters of a moral and legal nature and then judging. This is a fantastic major that enhances the student`s ability to think and argue critically, two essential skills in law school. Zahida Manji, who graduated from Oxford in the summer of 2016, graduated from high school in chemistry, biology, mathematics and English literature. “I was on the path of science: I hadn`t thought about law.
It worked, but if I had thought about it, I might have done more essay-based topics. David Wallace, a career manager at Stratford upon Avon School, advises teens to specialize in their area of interest at school. Law firms are looking for the best of the best. If your strengths lie in the world of science and you can get 3A*, it will put you in a much better position than trying to do the history and English you think you should do, but it won`t get you to college because you get lower grades. Tutors and students agree that different subjects have their own advantages. The arts, humanities, and social sciences ensure that students have experience writing essays and arguments when they begin a course that requires both. Science and math students may need to develop their writing, “but where they are strong is in logic, analysis, and problem solving, which is essential to law school. Law is a perfect fit for this type of student,” Millns says. An Access to Information (FOI) request filed against the University of Cambridge provides us with a useful and clear breakdown of applicants for admission to law for 2021.
At Queen Mary University of London, Rupert Seal, professor of law, said: “We believe prospective students should study the subjects they are most interested in; We are impressed by students who can explicitly explain why they consider these subjects relevant to the study of law at QMUL. Law students themselves emphasize the value of learning how to write essays as early as possible. Nicole Ogunbamowo, a third-year law student at the University of York, studied mathematics, biology, chemistry and history in high school and says: “I`ve always been math-minded and I love science. But I`m really glad I wrote the story, which gave me transferable skills in terms of writing essays. “You can earn a Juris Doctor degree by graduating from an American Bar Association-accredited law school, which takes three years. During your law studies, you can focus on a specific area of law, such as criminal law, environment, taxation, real estate, real estate or family. Cambridge has generally recommended that English literature, history, languages and mathematics be good core subjects – meaning that choosing one or more of them can provide a good foundation for your subject combination. If you want to apply to Oxbridge, consider A-Level subjects, which have always proven to be the most beneficial for applicants. These are English literature, history, politics, religious studies, a language, psychology and mathematics.
Similar to math, studying biology, chemistry, or physics shows that you have a logical mind and are good at solving problems, two important skills for law students. Many guides suggest that the most popular A-level students follow history or geography which supports both subjects in addition to English and/or mathematics. Choose the subjects in which you are best, but make sure that at least two are traditional A-level courses. And practice essay writing Mathematics may not have a direct connection to law school like the other programs we`ve discussed. But this topic helps to develop analytical skills, logical thinking, problem solving and processing different types of data; All of these tools are an integral part of legal careers. Not only that, but math degree holders specialize in securities and litigation, mergers and acquisitions, and corporate law. This makes it a great topic choice for your majors. Professional Courses – Other Level 3/Level 6 qualifications (e.g. Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Business or Business and Administration SCQF Level 6) may be accepted by some providers as an alternative to A/higher levels. It is important that you check the other entry requirements with universities or colleges.
Other good ways to combine these subjects are: an additional language, ancient history, classical civilization, economics, English language, additional mathematics, geography, government and politics, art history, law, music, philosophy, religious studies, natural sciences and sociology. Similar to English, history is a great A-level for law as it helps develop your essay writing skills.